A Note from Judy
Happy Fall! I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful summer.
Thanks to the thoughtful conversations that have transpired about sisters with wonderful individuals who read Celebration of Sisters, I knew not only for me but for many, there is a universal bond and a unique relationship amongst sisters. Margie and Jane, my two beautiful beloved sisters remain my anchors, constants, and champions.
Please join me as I roll out a new brand, Sisters’ Hearts Forever, designed by the talented Marchilonis Design who worked with me for over a decade on the Celebration of Sisters fundraiser.
I hope we will illicit and share more sister conversations. Sisters share a unique connection no matter the dynamics–we laugh, fight, compete, however a sister knows us better than anyone and loves us deeper.
Lost memories of Margie and Jane haunted me for years based on an insensitive comment made to me after Jane died. Suppressing my grief and not talking about sisters layered into lost memories. I had the fortunate experience to participate with Alyson Shelton in writing the “I Am From,” poem that elicited memories and opened me to a new genre of writing. Follow Alyson at: https://www.alysonshelton.com
It's been a busy couple of months.
At the end of July, I attended the BPUSA National Conference and presented three workshops: Siblings Are Special, Share Your Story, and Music Unites Us. The conference took place outside of Washington DC. Thanks to the generosity of a bereaved mother/sibling we toured the monuments in twilight revisiting the city I lived in my twenties.
August first marked the thirty-fourth anniversary of the loss of my beloved Margie. This year proved to be more challenging. I suspect because Margie is now gone half my life, and we are watching our precious Madelyn, her namesake grows into a spunky little girl reminiscent of Margie.
Book Love is a wonderful independent bookstore that embraces the community supporting authors, schools, and programming for people of all ages. I am thrilled to give a talk on Thursday, September 19th. If you are in the area, please register at, https://www.book-love.com/events/an-evening-with-judy-lipson
October marks the Jewish New Year and Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, and Yizkor, the somber remembrance service. We dip the apples in the honey hoping for a sweet new year. I am twisted with mixed emotions. I am grateful for my family, the love of three precious grandchildren who bring us laughter, hope, and joy. I choose to skip the Yizkor service, the pain too deep of losing Margie, Jane, and my father. As I have mentioned before, if we did not grieve there would no love, and if we did not find joy there would be no love, and my life joined by the two, grateful for the love in my life. To all celebrating, I wish you and yours a happy, healthy, and peaceful New Year.
To order your copy of Celebration of Sisters: It Is Never Too Late To Grieve, available in audio, please visit www.judylipson.org
Book Corner
If you want to write a memoir, The Memoir Project is essential. Marion provides a basic step-by-step guide, with funny anecdotes to simplify the process. We all have a story to tell, and we write what we know. I was fortunate to have Marion help me, check out her website www.marionroach.com.
My Canadian friend Earla and I meet for coffee via messenger. I finally found a bereaved sibling my age who understands. Earla, a talented artist, librarian, author, advocate, mother and grandmother lost her sister and niece. Along with Monica, two grief buddies wrote a compelling heartfelt book any bereaved sibling should add to their list.
At the end of every summer our family vacationed in Maine at a resort called Wyonegonic. Memories of swimming, shuffleboard, barbeques, and of my beloved sisters Margie, Jane, and I in matching white hooded terry cover-ups to warm up after a cool dip in the lake.
This photo was taken in 2018 as I unsuccessfully took two of the Bronze ice dancing tests at the original Skating Club of Boston. The late evening test session coupled with an unfamiliar music choice, not a recipe for success, but an experience I will cherish. Six years later, post-concussion and broken foot, I recently resumed ice dancing. I have a lot of ground to make up but am enjoying the ride!
I will leave you with the following:
Where I’m From #152 Alyson Shelton With Judy Lipson Inspired by George Ella Lyon I’m from party dresses and petticoats from black patent leather Mary Janes I am from homework crowding the kitchen table (a circular white formica table with glasses of whole milk) I am from a front lawn billowing treat that shaded and protected our corner lot home I am from Friday night candy treats and Brigham’s ice cream cones with Margie and Jane Look both ways before you cross the street From riding bicycles, playing tag, and walking to school with the entire neighborhood A bell rung to call for dinner I’m from the Eastern coast not far from Boston and sandy beaches Kept warm by handmade Afghans, our family of five now two I am from memories kept deep in my heart To pass onto new lives, new generations